3 min read

Why I compare software development to building a house.

November 7, 2023

“What do you actually do at your company?” – a question I get asked quite often.

The answer is actually simple: “We develop custom software.”

IT professionals nod in understanding, while non-IT folks often have puzzled looks – and that’s completely understandable.

What is custom software? How can a non-IT person understand it?

To explain this, I like to use my house-building analogy, as it’s something everyone can relate to.

Let’s imagine software development as building a house. There are two approaches:

On one side, we have prefabricated houses – in the IT world, this is equivalent to standard software (like Microsoft Word, Excel, Adobe Photoshop, etc.). Here, you choose a house from a catalog that best suits your needs. However, this house cannot be modified – you need to adapt yourself and your situation, such as the plot of land, to the selected house. Similarly, you must ensure that building codes and regulations are adhered to on your own.

On the other side, we have traditional house building – in the IT world, this is equivalent to custom software (like what we do at Neon). Everything starts with a consultation where you express your wishes and needs. Then, a team of architects, builders, painters, and interior designers is assembled. Here, you have the freedom to design the house according to your ideas and requirements. Want a slanted window at a 15-degree angle with red frames, one-way mirrors, and facing west? No problem! The house is tailored to you, your plot of land, and your specific needs, not the other way around. Additionally, the experts ensure during the planning phase that there are no issues with regulations or laws.

Back to the world of IT

Standard software (like Microsoft Word or Excel, Adobe Photoshop, etc.) is pre-built software that you purchase by acquiring a license, typically with monthly or annual payments. This software is usually ready to use right after purchase, but you, your company, and your employees will need to adapt to it. This often means that existing processes and systems within your company have to be adjusted to fit the standard software.

Custom software (like the ones we develop at Neon), on the other hand, is created specifically for you. Together with our team of consultants, architects, builders, and other specialists, we design software that meets all your needs and wishes, integrating seamlessly into the internal processes and structures of your company.

Which approach is better to build your “house”?

That depends on what you need. Is there already a solution that fits seamlessly with your company’s processes and workflows? Then standard software is the right choice for you. Do you have an innovative idea, unique processes, or can’t find a suitable product on the market? Do you want to own and design your software and not be dependent on the decisions of others? In that case, custom software is your way to go.

I’d be happy to offer you a free, no-obligation consultation. I’ll take the time to explore with you whether a ready-made solution or a tailored project is better suited to your needs. Let’s discuss your requirements and goals, and together we’ll find the best solution for your project.